In addition to joint projects, I also irregularly work on a solo target pool, which I had created a long time ago. This contains a mix of practice and research targets. The target discussed here turned out to be an excursion with the Cassini-Huygens probe to Saturn’s moon Titan.
Category: Astronomy
Protocol: CRV (Solo)
Coordinates: 4157 8687 2108 4497
Number of viewers: 1 (Stefan Franke)
Number of sessions: 1
Date: 2014/10/16
Time: 9.29am – 10.12am
Duration: 43 minutes
Pages: 8
Specifically, the target was a photograph of Titans surface about eight kilometers high:
(Target Cue-Translation: “Describe the image at the time of the photograph!”)
In Stage 1, impressions such as “gray” , “yellow” , “beige-sand color” , “cold” , “soft” , “moist” and “loamy” dominated. In conclusion, impressions such as ” natural structures” and ” atmospheric” emerged. The AI impression can be summarized with “something empty and lonely”.In Stage 2, sensory impressions such as “sandy-dense” , “loamy-soft”, “cool” and “watery-moist” concretized again. They were supplemented by more, rather unspectacular impressions, such as “rushing” and a “far-flinch” . There were no particular smells or tastes except that it felt like having cold, tasteless clay in the mouth. Dimensionally I had the impression of a wide area in front of me, which seemed slightly arched, if you zoomed out a bit more. My AI’s from the target at the end of Stage 2 were “abandoned” and “self-purpose”.
In Stage 3, I drew a slightly curved surface, which I perceived very concretely. Much more diffuse I perceived a kind of high, gaseous structure, which could have been a big, vertical cloud structure. Whether it came out of the surface, or was just a background in the sky, I can not say. Anyway, you should not overestimate the Stage 3, in terms of details and especially connections. So this diffused impression could even have been the unfolded parachute of the Huygens probe, but that is speculative and was not explored in this solo session.
It gets really interesting from Stage 4 onwards. The most important sensory impressions were “yellow” and “loamy” . New added was “walgend” , as if the liquid or loamy parts on the ground somehow moved (movements of liquid methane?).I found the AI’s interesting because apparently my subconscious mind would find it very relaxing to lie down in the cold mud, look up and observe something in the sky (not recommended for imitation in the physical body and without spacesuit *g*).Unpleasant, bi-local impressions did not happen this time, which is otherwise observed occasionally during sessions on hostile planets. However, everything else indicates that Titan is physically life-denying to us, and that the Cassini-Huygens data is correct.
I was not able to perceive impressions of emotional impacts (EI’s) on location, except for a dull “reflex” (which might have been a energetic impression). Similarly dull and deserted, it also occurred to me during a session on Venus.As an interesting material aspect came “loamy basin” , and in the immaterial aspects such as “cool blow” (like gentle wind), “flow around” , “compact” , “hold together” and “cyclize” (like a cycle). The whole thing affected me like natural, geological or climatic processes. Otherwise, I found there in the target nothing remarkable before. My final Stage 4 AI’s were “unusual place” and “natural events” .
It gave me the impression of looking down into a narrow gap through dark, gaseous structures on the target. It was like looking down to the surface through thick, dark cloud structures, but the gap looked really tight from the top. Some of the clouds even seemed almost black, like very gloomy rain clouds on the earth. In the middle of the sensation, I noticed a tiny dot with a “cladding”, which was perhaps the probe on her parachute. Unfortunately, I have not examined this detail again separately.
From this perspective, I now perceived hilly structures, and again a small point. This point seemed to float above the scenario, or was detached from the surface. This irritated me at first, and I felt again if I overlooked something. There was a kind of half connection between the point and the surface, but it was not a tangible material, but rather a diffuse cone of energy. If the point was the probe, this cone could have been a sensor beam (eg radar waves). I wanted to give me a much larger picture of the environment, which is why I assume a movement command from a thousand times distance from above:
Now I clearly got the impression that the whole thing was happening on a round object. At the time I did not care if it was a planet, a ball or an atom. I sketched out my remaining impressions, which were those of a foggy globe with no more detailed surface details. Only my starting point, I still had in mind, which I again marked by a dot. All around, I perceived a kind of slight whirlwind.
The final step was finally a movement command from an enormous, ten thousand times distance from above the target . I wanted to know if I have a round ball in front of me, or something that is still connected with something:
It turned out that the sphere was actually free-hanging or floating. I also noticed a crescent-shaped shading on the left side, which could have been the incident sunlight. For fun, I wanted to look at the object again in cross section, although my data stream was already very diffuse. In doing so, I perceived a hard or dense area, which passed through hourglass-shaped from top to bottom. The areas around it, however, seemed to be softer or more permeable. Detailed cross-sections of celestial bodies should rather be treated to independent sessions. My final AI’s for this session were “no purpose on itself” and “secluded”. The latter can hardly be contradicted, although of course it depends on the perspective … 😉
Summary: For a short solo session, it was a nice trip, but there are also the problems of solo sessions: If you do not know what is important in the target, you do not know what to look at more closely. For example, the hovering “point” would have been interesting, which was probably the Huygens probe (the target photo was taken from about eight kilometers above the surface). But of course you can use such rough-looking solo sessions as a starting point or template for more detailed, supervised sessions on individual aspects.
Update 2015/10/27: Meanwhile, there was another solo session on the Titan.
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